

QR code powered by GS1: definition and benefits

QR code powered by GS1: definition and benefits

GS1 powered QR codes are progressively replacing traditional barcodes. Read the definition of GS1 QR codes and the benefits they provide to businesses.

The challenges of product content syndication

The challenges of product content syndication

Structuring product content, alignment, management of variations... Discover the challenges of product content syndication and how PIM (Product Information Management) can help to overcome them.

E-merchandising: definition and primary levers

E-merchandising: definition and primary levers

Structure page categories, simplify browsing, present content rich product pages… Check out the definition of e-merchandising and the key levers for getting the most from it and boosting your sales.

Data governance: definition, steps to follow, and the role of PIM in its implementation

Data governance: definition, steps to follow, and the role of PIM in its implementation

Read our definition of data governance, the steps involved, and the importance of using PIM for its implementation.

Generative AI: 5 business examples to inspire you
Künstliche Intelligenz

Generative AI: 5 business examples to inspire you

Heinz, Nike, Transavia, Zalando… Check out these 5 examples of generative AI used by businesses, to get some ideas.

6 key trends to follow in 2024

6 key trends to follow in 2024

Check out these 6 trends that you should be following in 2024 to stay ahead of the competition and meet the new demands of shoppers.

Erstellen Sie vollständige und hochwertige Produktdatenblätter

Erstellen Sie vollständige und hochwertige Produktdatenblätter

Entdecken Sie 6 Ratschläge, die Sie beim Erstellen hochwertiger Produktdatenblätter befolgen sollten, um den Informationsbedarf der Verbraucher erfüllen.

AI washing: how businesses are using and abusing it and the resulting impacts
Künstliche Intelligenz

AI washing: how businesses are using and abusing it and the resulting impacts

Read how AI washing is being used and abused, and the resulting negative impacts on the credibility of this technology.

Inflation: Anpassung an neues Kaufverhalten der Verbraucher

Inflation: Anpassung an neues Kaufverhalten der Verbraucher

Entdecken Sie die Auswirkungen der Inflation auf das Kaufverhalten der Verbraucher und wie Unternehmen sich an dieses neue Verhalten anpassen.

Generate your datasheets automatically with PIM
Verwaltung der Produktion von Veröffentlichungen

Generate your datasheets automatically with PIM

Discover the main challenges facing manufacturers of electronic components when designing their datasheets and how PIM can simplify the task.

ChatGPT für die Verfassung von Produktbeschreibungen
Künstliche Intelligenz

ChatGPT für die Verfassung von Produktbeschreibungen

Entdecken Sie hier, was ChatGPT ausmacht und wie Sie es für Ihre Produktbeschreibungen richtig nutzen.

6 tips for improving the delivery experience for online shoppers
Anleitung und Beratung

6 tips for improving the delivery experience for online shoppers

Read our 6 essential tips to help you provide a unique shopping experience.

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