

UGC (User Generated Content): definition, benefits and tips for making it work

UGC (User Generated Content): definition, benefits and tips for making it work

Read on for an explanation of UGC, the advantages of using it as part of your marketing strategy, and our tips for making it work for you.

The challenges of product content syndication

The challenges of product content syndication

Structuring product content, alignment, management of variations... Discover the challenges of product content syndication and how PIM (Product Information Management) can help to overcome them.

Conversational Marketing: definition, benefits, and implementation

Conversational Marketing: definition, benefits, and implementation

Customize messages, provide 24/7 availability, maintain brand consistency… Read the definition of conversational marketing, the benefits it provides, and our tips for getting the most out of it.

PIM and CMS: two systems that work together

PIM and CMS: two systems that work together

Discover the differences between PIM (Product Information Management) and CMS (Content Management System) and how you can use them together to create a high-quality website.

PIM and PLM: leverage the potential of these solutions

PIM and PLM: leverage the potential of these solutions

Find out what makes PLM and PIM different and how to use them together to remain competitive on the market.

Omnichannel: definition, challenges, and implementation

Omnichannel: definition, challenges, and implementation

For a business to be successful it is essential to implement a truly « omnichannel strategy ». Read about what you need to know and our advice for getting the most from your omnichannel approach.

Product repository: definition and benefits

Product repository: definition and benefits

Implementing a product repository greatly increases the efficiency of product information management. Read the detailed definition of a product repository.

CXM strategy: boost your competitiveness

CXM strategy: boost your competitiveness

It has become vital to fully understand CXM (Customer Experience Management). Read about the importance of a CXM strategy and how to implement it successfully in your company.

The benefits of PXM (Product Experience Management)

The benefits of PXM (Product Experience Management)

Businesses developing their PXM achieve better results: improved customer satisfaction, reduction of product returns, fewer abandoned carts… Discover all the ways a PXM approach can benefit your business.

Die 5 Säulen für erfolgreiches Product Experience Management (PXM)

Die 5 Säulen für erfolgreiches Product Experience Management (PXM)

Die Produkterfahrung, wie sie von Verbrauchern erlebt wird, gewinnt in der Verkaufsstrategie immer mehr an Bedeutung. Entdecken Sie die 5 unumgänglichen Säulen für ein optimales PXM.

PIM, ERP und CRM: Definitionen und Komplementarität bei der Verwaltung von Produktinformationen

PIM, ERP und CRM: Definitionen und Komplementarität bei der Verwaltung von Produktinformationen

ERP, CRM und PIM können hochwertige und zuverlässige Produktinformationen garantieren. Synchronisieren Sie ERP, CRM und PIM für eine optimale Qualität.

PIM und MDM: Garanten für die Qualität Ihrer Daten

PIM und MDM: Garanten für die Qualität Ihrer Daten

MDM oder PIM? Entdecken Sie die Definitionen und Konzepte, die man bei der Wahl einer angemessenen Datenmanagement-Software kennen sollte...

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