DAM: deliver an optimal shopping experience

Work process
Tuesday 7 February 2023 
Elsa Benaiche
3 minutes

When a shopper visits a product page, they put great importance on digital media with 88% of them1 considering a high-quality product photo to be one of the keys to a successful product experience.

This makes it essential for businesses to manage large volumes of digital assets and to ensure that these assets are consistent with the company's style guide, selling channels, country and/or targets… Managing these items necessitates the use of a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution.

Read how DAM helps you to provide your online visitors with a successful shopping experience.

A high-quality brand experience

To persuade shoppers to buy your product, you must deliver a high-quality experience from end to end of their shopping journey.

According to 80% of shoppers2, brands that are consistent in their communication and that use the same color scheme in all their visual content are more easily recognized. Consistency is also one of the top 4 reasons2 for remaining loyal to a brand.

To guarantee this consistency, you need to ensure that the brand's visual guidelines (color scheme, logo, design elements…) are respected across all content: photos, images, logos, illustrations, graphics…

It is essential to use a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution to make this process more efficient. DAM centralizes and secures all your digital assets (images, photos, videos…) in a unique centralized platform. They can be easily updated through the platform and your Marketing and Product teams have access, at all times, to the validated logo, the most recent version of each file, icons compliant with the company style guide… Using DAM means that you present a consistent brand image on all selling channels.

The best possible user experience

Slow page loading, display problems, incorrect image sizes… on an eCommerce site these errors can put shoppers off and/or discourage them from buying your product.

Poorly formatted images are perceived by shoppers as being unprofessional3. These images can also slow down the loading process and ruin the online shopping experience. 53% of online shoppers4 will leave a page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

To avoid these negative impacts, you need to prepare several versions of each image to match the formats required by each selling channel. However, when a business is managing digital assets across multiple channels (mobile, print, Marketplaces, social selling…), it can be extremely time consuming to manage them correctly, if not impossible.

How do you get around this problem? Use Digital Asset Management (DAM)! A DAM solution unites Product and Marketing teams around an intuitive and user-friendly interface centralizing all your digital assets. Advanced search features (AI supported automatic tagging, appropriate classification, efficient search engine…) allow you to quickly find the right assets and work on them (resizing, conversion into various formats, reframing…) to adapt them to the specifics of each selling channel.

A contextualized shopping experience

To appeal to potential buyers in other countries, it is essential to provide a shopping experience that is relevant and adapted to their context: country, language, culture, local regulations… 80% of shoppers5 expect this wherever they are located.

For a brand, this makes it necessary to create several versions of each digital asset to fit the specifics of each country (significance of colors, design trends, local regulations…). This also means that you must systematically check their compliance with the current regulations of the country in question: copyright, related rights…

When a business is managing thousands of product references in several languages and for several countries, this contextualization is extremely time consuming.

DAM greatly reduces the time spent on contextualization. Through this central database, your Product and Marketing teams can adapt their digital media to the cultural specifics of each country. They can also access information related to their use (reproduction rights, copyright, legal restrictions…) and guarantee their compliance with each legal context. It is essential to make this effort to ensure that shoppers have access to content that is relevant and contextualized at each step of their shopping journey.

A successful product experience

Digital media plays an increasingly important role in the product experience perceived by shoppers with 78% of them wanting to see photos6 on eCommerce sites and 54%7 expecting to see videos from their preferred brands.

This means that product pages need to be enriched with additional media in various formats: video tutorials, 360° photos, 3D photos, packshots, animation…

This of course involves storing, managing, and archiving thousands, or millions of digital assets in a multitude of formats. To manage them efficiently, you need to use a DAM solution which can store a huge volume of digital assets and you also need to control the access to content. Depending on the user rights of each profile (contributor, administrator, user…), they can consult, share, use or reuse digital assets securely. DAM solutions also promote collaborative work by facilitating the creation of user groups and providing 24/7 access to the relevant digital resources.

DAM solutions provide numerous advantages (centralization, efficient search system, in-depth copyright management…) and enable you to provide a compelling experience for your customers. To take it further, it is best to use a DAM integrated into your PIM (Product Information Management) solution. In an eCommerce context, this integration creates a seamless link between digital assets and product information allowing you to design top quality product pages.

1 Stop doing it wrong. The importance of product photos in e-commerce. (2021, 17 novembre). ergonode.com.
2 Miller, C. (2021). 51 Branding Statistics You Need to Know In 2021. tailorbrands.com.
3 Fitzgerald, A. (2023, January 16). How to Resize an Image without Losing Quality. hubspot.com.
4 Saux, L. Temps de chargement : ces secondes qui coûtent des millions. Kameleoon.
5 Henault, J. (2020, March 5). 50 faits et statistiques déterminants pour votre stratégie SEO internationale. semrush.com.
6 Henault, J. (2020, April 9). 50 faits incontournables pour une stratégie E-commerce en 2020. semrush.com.
7 Mohsin, M. (2022, April 13). 10 Video Marketing Statistics You should Know for 2022 [Infographic]. oberlo.com.

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