5 eCommerce trends to follow closely

Tuesday 13 October 2020 
Elsa Benaiche
3 minutes

The eCommerce market is dynamic and evolving constantly. In 2019, retail eCommerce sales reached 3530 billion dollars1.

New technologies, development of digital channels, growth in cross-border eCommerce… To remain competitive, businesses must be aware of new developments and market trends. This business intelligence is essential to keep up with competitors and show brands to be innovative.

Discover the 5 eCommerce trends that you should be watching to stay ahead of the competition.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) overlaps virtual (2D or 3D) images directly onto real images. In the context of online sales, this gives consumers a cutting edge and immersive shopping experience. These days, Augmented Reality is extremely popular among shoppers and 40% of them2 say that they'd be likely to buy a product after experiencing it through AR.

One of the best-known examples of AR apps is Ikea Place for iOS and Android. Shoppers can use the app to choose a piece of Ikea furniture and visualize it in real time in their own space. They can find answers to all the questions they may be asking before buying: how much space it needs, what the colors really look like, what the item looks like from different angles… These things are essential if you want to make an informed decision.

These days, Augmented Reality (AR) is a serious competitive advantage. According to Forbes Magazine3, AR will have become the norm within the next 5 to 10 years.

Social commerce

The social networks have become essential information channels. 87% of shoppers4 use them when deciding to buy. This change in consumer behavior has made it necessary for businesses to adopt a sales and marketing strategy on the social networks, creating "social commerce".

Instagram now provides features facilitating sales on its platform. To buy through Instagram, users no longer need to open a new browser window. A payment feature allows them to buy the products they want directly.

For digital retailers, the social networks have become an important business opportunity. During the last five years, online sales through social networks rose by 93%.5.

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants give customers a simple and personalized shopping experience. They can suggest products linked to consumers' purchasing history or specific needs. Nearly 85% of shoppers6 trust them.

To get the most from virtual assistants, you need to develop an SEO strategy adapted to the specifics of voice search. When a shopper uses voice command to search for something, they tend to speak naturally and use long and precise sentences. Among the SEO actions to implement: promote the use of long sentences, develop your local SEO, create FAQs…

This strategy has become necessary to increase sales on an eCommerce site. In 2017, sales through virtual assistants reached 1.8 billion dollars7. Several big companies now have their own virtual assistants: Cortana (Microsoft), Google (Google Assistant), Amazon (Alexa), Apple (Siri)…

M-commerce (Mobile Commerce)

Through the different stages of the customer journey, shoppers use their smartphones to find information, compare products from different brands and/or finalize their purchase… To persuade potential buyers, you must give them the opportunity to buy through their smartphone. 59% of shoppers8 say that this is important for them when choosing between brands.

This change in the way people are shopping means that online sellers need to implement an M-commerce (Mobile Commerce) strategy. This strategy requires businesses to optimize their eCommerce websites according to the specifics of this channel: improve loading speed, adapt screen display, provide features related to geolocation…

To facilitate these efforts, Google now encourages “mobiles first” stores, designed initially for Smartphones and providing the optimal user experience (readability, adapted CTAs, smart forms…).


Cross-border eCommerce is booming: 57% of shoppers9 buy through websites in a difference country from theirs.

In this case you must provide shoppers with contents adapted to their whereabouts: language, currency, compliance with local standards, payment, and delivery terms… It is vital to take these elements into consideration to convert visitors into shoppers. On an eCommerce site, 33% of shoppers10 would be prepared to abandon their cart if the price is not indicated in their currency.

To be successful in developing an eCommerce activity abroad, this adaptation must be carried out for every content. 80% of decision makers10consider this to be essential for entering new markets.

1 Clément, J. C. (2020, 27 august). Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2023.
2 Ferreira, N. F. (2018, 28 december). 5 best augmented reality ecommerce examples.
3 Abbasi, A. A. (2020, 7 august).The Benefits Of Augmented Reality In Retail And E-Commerce.
4 Llewellyn, G. L. (2020, 28 november). Social commerce trends for 2020 you need to look out for.
5 Henault, J. H. (2020, 9 april). 50 faits incontournables pour une stratégie E-commerce en 2020.
6 Bentahar, A. B. (2018, 3 december). How Voice Search Is Changing Shopping.
7 Arthur, R. A. (2020, 12 october). Amazon Alexa's Founder On How Voice Tech Will Impact Retail.
8 HubSpot. The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2020.
9 Orendorff, A. O. (2019, 14 february). Global Ecommerce Statistics and Trends to Launch Your Business Beyond Borders.
10 Henault, J. H. (2020, 5 march). 50 faits et statistiques déterminants pour votre stratégie SEO internationale.

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